Saturday, 16 March 2013

a child !

I have a boy named Saif in my classroom. He is one of the most missed behavior children in my class. After I did the behavior chart it affected most the children but Saif was not really affective by the chart. It may affect him later if I stay consistent but I really want to try something different with this child. He always refuse to sit on the circle with any teacher, he hit other children and during the small tables activates some times he refuse to do them and choose to go to the computer.
The boy is very smart  and his English also is developed but he is in the low group because of his behavior. I start thinking of his life and the impact of that on his behavior.. His parents are divorced and he live with his older sister who is in grade five and she took care of him he have also two younger brothers. They live with their father and a maid . as I knew from my teacher his father is not always at the house and when the school call the father to come to the school he never showed.
I observed him in the last two days and I noticed the teachers are surrounding him with negative feedback all the time because they are tired off his behavior but that broke my heart and I think this is the place where the teachers should make him feel safe, secure and build his self esteem. I tried to use positive reinforcement by giving him positive feedback whenever he do any good thing ,I also I tried to build a stronger relationship with him by talking with him before the assembly.
help me =( any suggestions?


  1. Oh dear. I think that your feelings about positive attention are correct, although it can be difficult. I also think you should be very clear about your expectations and state them to him, so he know what you want him to do. Then you should praise him as much as you can when he does something you want and when he makes an effort or produces good work. His behaviour seems like a classic case of attention seeking and he is getting plenty of attention for behaving badly (for him it is better to get negative attention than no attention at all). He will continue to misbehave if it means he gets the attention which he does not receive at home. Basically, you need to show him that he can get positive attention, too. Have a look online for 'catch them being good'. Here's an example -
    Good luck and be patient

    1. thanks a lot the website is really helpful

  2. I had the same situation with one child called Salem, try to use what I used, for example, a positive reinforcement with him so each time he is doing something right I point at him “oh look at Salem Mashallah, look how he is sitting and helping” it doesn’t work all the time but I motivate him to be in blue where he can get a gift at the end of the week and month. To keep him busy I give him some times jobs like you are the manager of this thing be kind to your friends explain for them you are the man and so on and now he is much much better comparing to the past weeks.
