Monday, 17 September 2012

(FIRS TASK)To new students who have never taught in a classroom before.

  I had the opportunity to be present in preschool classes and see the different ways the teacher stimulated children and motivated them to interact with the learning activities. There are many things that every student teacher should know before she enter a class and teach to avoid "disaster" lessons like my first classes in teaching KG!
Here are some points that might help:
·     try to show the students your enthusiasm to give them the positive spirit and make them feel comfortable.
·      Use clear instructions.
·     Make the lesson interesting by using problems solving to raise children’s curiosity and stimulate them.
·      Reward for the good behaved child. 
·     Try to  trigger children's curiosity and motivate them to learn.
·     Involve all children in all the activities.
·      Try to use body language to manage and motivate children and more dramatic enthusiasm with your voice and facial expression.
·     Give children more time to answer
·     Observe  children.
·     ask questions, including evaluative, predictive and open ended questions.
      ·     Improve classroom managements and time management.
·     Focus on  well-behaved children and praise them more.

i hope that will be helpful

1 comment:

  1. Your comments are very useful, they show a good grasp of how to manage a class and to motivate children and create a stimulating learning environment.
