Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Observation schedule & interview questions

Name :                   Date:                   
Class:                      Time:
Observer:              Subject/theme:
Aim: Observe my strategies of letting children work cooperatively and the effectiveness of activities that enable them to work together.

While task
Post task

Other comments:

Interview questions about my topic (cooperative learning)
What teaching methodologies do you follow ?
What are the advantages and the disadvantages of cooperative learning?
Are the children used to individual work or cooperative work?
What do you think is more effective in teaching young children?
What kind of activities do you use to encourage cooperative learning?
How do you balance between individual and cooperative  learning/teaching?

Does the class environment  encourage cooperative teaching/learning?

Monday, 24 September 2012

Reading 2

Name:  The complete ESL/EFL Cooperative & Communicative Activity Book                   

 Date:     23-Sep-2012                          

Source Number: 2
Reference (APA):

Sloan S. (1991) The complete ESL/EFL Cooperative & communicative Activity Book. Illinois: NTC Publishing Group


A book about how to teach children in ESL classroom using different activities like jigsaw activities, matching, strip stories and other activities

This is really useful book that  contain  useful quotes and detailed activities.

Notes (could include specific quotes)

“Cooperative learning is  a set of teaching strategies that puts the learner in the center of the learning process.” P.1

Cross References

No references

Sunday, 23 September 2012



During the circular time the children were not setting or listening to me.
During my first lesson teaching in kindergarten, I started the lesson by trying  to motivate the children to attract their attention and what happen that they were over motivated! I did not start the lesson by giving the children the instruction or tell them the classroom rules!  The activity included pictures of the children and all of them came to me and were shouting  to see their pictures and they didn’t give me the chance to explain the activity and it took a lot of time to let them set and explain the activity!

I learnt from this lesson that before motivating and engaging the student the teacher should know how to control them. What I did not do  and I have to make sure that I will do in future lessons is that I should start the lesson by telling the children the classroom rules and model the activity for them instead of starting the lessen introducing their pictures. 

Problem solving

It was not appropriate to start the lesson showing the children their pictures. I also should gave each student a task and make sure that each person in the mat have something to do  in the activity.

I think I learned a lot about motivation in that day, I will be closer to the students and I will show them my enthusiasm but I will always manage their behavior first  to gain a good learning calamite.

I think that the control of students and motivation are  skills every teacher should master in order  to give them the  positive spirit and make them engage  feel comfortable.


Mind Map

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

First reading (literature review)

Name:        Child Development                             Date:            19-9-2012                   
Source Number: 1
Reference (APA):
Berk,L. E. (2009) Child Development. Boston: Pearson Education


A book about all the stages of children development which have a section about social development .
Evaluation:  (connected to Questions 1 to 5 above)

There are many studies and theories about children’s development of social skills which might help me in establishing the activities during the teaching practice and support my report with quotes .


Monday, 17 September 2012

(FIRS TASK)To new students who have never taught in a classroom before.

  I had the opportunity to be present in preschool classes and see the different ways the teacher stimulated children and motivated them to interact with the learning activities. There are many things that every student teacher should know before she enter a class and teach to avoid "disaster" lessons like my first classes in teaching KG!
Here are some points that might help:
·     try to show the students your enthusiasm to give them the positive spirit and make them feel comfortable.
·      Use clear instructions.
·     Make the lesson interesting by using problems solving to raise children’s curiosity and stimulate them.
·      Reward for the good behaved child. 
·     Try to  trigger children's curiosity and motivate them to learn.
·     Involve all children in all the activities.
·      Try to use body language to manage and motivate children and more dramatic enthusiasm with your voice and facial expression.
·     Give children more time to answer
·     Observe  children.
·     ask questions, including evaluative, predictive and open ended questions.
      ·     Improve classroom managements and time management.
·     Focus on  well-behaved children and praise them more.

i hope that will be helpful

running tward the sun!


My name is Marwa and I am from UAE. I am studying Early Childhood Education because I am interested in teaching young children. I love travelling, smiling people, novels, beautiful landscapes and my best is photography and I am going to post some of them here (any photos  that I post is taken by me) . In this semester we are going to do an action research and  I believe that it will be a very interesting challenge!