Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Cooperative Handprint Flag

Another activity that I did for my action research and it was observed by my mentor teacher was the UAE's flag hand print. First of all I thought of doing it on the ordinary way were each child put paint on his hand and then print it on the sheet but I felt there will be no   cooperation and interaction between students. Therefore, I decided to do it in pairs, I called two children and each child had to paint the UAE flag colors on his friend's hand and then the other child paint for that child. I did this activity outside and children were very happy to do it there.  I was amazed how the children were talking and when a child put a wrong color on his friend's hand he was correcting for him and then they saw a house in front of the school were the flag was on the roof, they were looking and copying the colors.

  They were discussing and talking about the colors. The activity went smoothly and I think the reason is that they had clear instructions, I modeled the activity with one child and showed them how they should work with each other's and be good friends and the new place played effective element in this activity.  Another reason why I think the children cooperate well in this activity because the activity cannot be done individually they understood that they have to paint each other's hands and help each others to put the colors in the right place and print their hands.

 In future lessons I may do pairs activities in the same way and link it with numeracy or literacy. In my opinion, for this age group children we should not just provide activities and expect them to work cooperatively, they should have clear activities that encourages cooperative learning.

Hide and Seek !

There wasn't enough time to do whole lessons during this week so I did some activities during play time. I suggested for children to play hide and seek so that I can observe them and they were very excited. I asked two children to hide their eyes while other should hide together.
It was a very fun game children enjoyed playing it and they were playing cooperatively. The girls who were searching for others were talking and making plan of how not to let the other children  win. Also the children who were hiding they decided to hide in one place and they were talking all together where to hide.

I noticed that this kind of games which encourage children to play cooperatively and it has physical movements seems to be more effective with this age group. Such games children cannot play it individually they have to interact and cooperate to play. Whereas, other activities that I encouraged children to do it in pairs while it can be done individually most prefer to do it individually. I will try to do such games and include some learning with it.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Numeracy Cooperative Activity

The activity is about putting the UAE’s flag colors in a pattern.  There were three children in the group. I asked them to work together to put all the colored balls in a pattern.
I did this activity for two groups one group did the  activity very good they cooperate and when one of them put a wrong color they were correcting for her maybe this activity worked for them because they were close friends and they accept each other’s help. On the other group  one of the children was a high ability child she played the role of the teacher where she was stopping them and showing them the pattern when they put a wrong color. However, the lower ability children did not accept the high ability child to explain for them and they told her that they want to do it the way they want!

It would be better if I introduce the activity by giving each child a role. It will also will be more affective if I put a  reward children who cooperate well during the activity. Children need more cooperative activities and instructions to be able to do cooperative activities independently

The Weekend with Tutu the Turtle

Afra with Tutu during the weekend

I started a project with the children where they can take a toy home for the weekend and take pictures with it. Children present these pictures during the circle time and talk about their photos. When I  started the project the letter of the week was/t/ therefore, I brought a turtle. I asked the children to give it a name that starts with the letter t, and they named it Tutu.
since then every weekend one child take Tutu home and play with it and bring it back on Sunday for show and tell activity during the circle time.

I tried to integrate this project with my action research which is (cooperative learning) I tried to add to it a sense of cooperation by asking children to ask the child who had the toy about their weekend with the turtle. The children are very excited about this project and Tutu became an important member of the class. It also affected children's behaviour positively because the good behaved child get it. I label children's photos on the wall and I noticed that it trigger their curiosity and they go and look at the photos and ask that child more questions about them. They also discuss what they will do with Tutu if they got it.

In the future lessons I will make it more cooperative by putting Tutu in the home area and I will choose three children to play there cooperatively. I will observe them and see how well they cooperate. It will be also good to teach children cooperative manners during play time.

Letter for children's parents send home with Tutu