Wednesday, 3 October 2012

First Week

The first week went very well. I taught, observed and I gained a lot of experience.
I discussed a lot of things with my MST. She told me that the teaching profession
 is wonderful but it’s difficult and requires a lot of patience and effort. The most
 important thing this career requires is honesty and passion. Through my practice
in different schools. I noticed that the teacher’s performance was at different levels,
 due to the level of a teacher’s love and her passion for her work.

I planned activities for next week and we decided in which way I will teach the 50%.
 I observed a lot this week and that helped me to know the children and to think
deeper about my action  research.

I did different activities during the whole and the small groups related to the theme.
I read them  stories and did small group activities  the children were excited
and they enjoying learning through different activities. One of the most things that
 benefited me is the focus activities. They  were really helpful for me because through
 these different activities I communicated with the children well and I tried to figure  
their levels, because they are not grouped according to their levels, so that will help
 me to differentiate the activities.

I am looking forward to teach next week and I planned to take risks and try new
things with the children. I hope that it will be good .

Monday, 1 October 2012

first days of TP

My first days at Al Twaya kindergarten were really interesting and a little bit hard but I know that I need time to adjust in the new environment. I did some activities related to the theme (my family)  such as making family member using finger print, making a chart during a numeracy lesson and sorting family members.


That was fun and increased my motivation by feeling more willing to come to class and teach. Moreover, it helped me to know more about my MST and the children. My MST is really supportive she kept giving me useful instructions and advises. The class is very active and there are a lot of independent learning activities and I liked that a lot. However, the negative thing is that there was no clear rules or routine for the children to follow. I think that lead to  chaos in the classroom and that in my opinion affected the children’s learning.  

Tomorrow I will teach a lesson about (rooms in my house) I hope everything will go well. Wish you all the best in your lessons =)